
2023年7月14日—Thereallifemapis426squaremilesandtheirin-gamemapis30squaremiles.Thein-gamemapissimilartowhatSleepingDogshadwhichthey ...,2016年5月11日—Modelmissionsareverysimilartothehitchhikerchallenges.Eachchallengewillrequireyoutodealwithacertaintimelimit,howeveryouwon ...,2022年5月23日—Afewthingshere.HKIstatisbasedonthe449kmroadmapinreallife,notthe550kmbecausethereis101kmofmoreroadthanfoundi...

The Real Size Comparison :

2023年7月14日 — The real life map is 426 square miles and their in-game map is 30 square miles. The in-game map is similar to what Sleeping Dogs had which they ...

Mission challenges - Models

2016年5月11日 — Model missions are very similar to the hitchhiker challenges. Each challenge will require you to deal with a certain time limit, however you won ...

TDU SC's Map In-Depth - 550km Drivable Roads

2022年5月23日 — A few things here. HKI stat is based on the 449km road map in real life, not the 550km because there is 101km of more road than found in real ...

Visual comparison, map sizes of TDU1, TDU2 and TDU3

2021年7月8日 — Test drive unlimited? More like: Test drive very limited. I know it's a bad joke.

Key Locations | Test Drive Wiki

Main article: Test Drive Unlimited/House. House. TDU Ico House. This is your house. If you own more than one house, multiple icons will appear on the map.

Interactive Maps | Test Drive Wiki

Browse custom interactive maps inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandom. Explore and visualize locations, items, and more! Create Map.